So how are you?? I am doing ok.... I have antibiotics and it makes me dizzy! So I just do very little, try to organize ACDsee (but it shuts down all the time when I try to move stuff), yesterday I did some scrapping and now it's time for some blogging!
Oh and I did some shopping on the internet.... My boys both have crocs and they don't want anything else on their feet so I thought I'd better have them too! And because we're going to Greece in 2 weeks I ordered them online. I couldn't make a choice between flip flops or sandals so I got them both (Petra, don't be jealous.... I have the url for you, lol!).

I also did some layouts yesterday.... here they are:

Now of to my Parisian scraps!

Credits can be found here
I wanted to tell for a long time that I am on the CT of Royanna Fritschmann, I was really excited when I heard the news but thought she was going to announce it. I think she has to many other things on her mind right now, or perhaps she has announced but I missed it! Of course she's at Divine Digital, but you already knew that, didn't you :) !!
Another long weekend coming up...Whitsunday, we all have Monday off too.... Tuesday I have to work but then Wednesday and Thursday I have to be home because the builders will put an extension to our attic on those days. I will show you photos next week!
Friday we have the annual 'company day out'.... At the end of the schoolyear we 'co-workers' go out for a day and it's always a suprise what will happen on that day. I tried to tease Ines, one of my colleagues to let me in on her little secret because she KNOWS... I got nothing more out of her except that all activities will be outdoors and we will have a BBQ afterwards! Let me show you what I did last year:
Next time I will tell you about Greece.... we're heading there in two weeks and I just got the tickets today!! Woohoo!!!
Have a good day!!

I LOVE those Crocs...I so need to get me some of those! Great layouts and photos!
Those crocs are cool!!
Great layouts!
I want that url!!! LOL. I´m gonna have a looksy right now!! :-)
Love these LO´s especially those paris ones...Looks great!! And those kits work perfect!!
Yes another long weekend and I so need it!! I remember I scrapped this photo for you with an kit from Sara, remember?? hihi
I also might have an idea on what you´re gonna be doing, well maybe I do!! We´re having a family day June 3th and also doing some fun outdoor things and BBQ...??? MMmmm I´m gonna make you curious...LOL
I have never seen Crocs like that before. I've only seen the closed in kind that look so ugly LOL but i like those sandals. I might have to check into those, thanks! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I put up the 2nd set to the paper packs :-) I love those brown flip flop crocs! Have a great weekend!
hahaha.. I own two pair of Crogs as well, but I have the original modell you know that modell that was first on the market. I LOVE them and I´m wearing them every day. One pair denimblue with some sunflower-jibby´s on it and 1 pair turqoise with som white margerites. (And I´m goig to Greece as well Karen, we will be in a little village called Paleros)
Your layout of Paris are awesome!
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