Today is the day! At 7.00 am in the morning the workforce was here, they were going to create an extension to our attic today! I have put it in a little album for you! Didn't do much else except taking kids to and from school and taking Mauro to my friend because the kids wanted to play together... Good thing, this wasn't a day to have kids around the house.
Hope you had a good day too, tomorrow will be another day of construction as the interior still has to be finished off!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Hi all!!

I also did some layouts yesterday.... here they are:
I mad this layout for the CT of Ilona Havenaar, she sells at Divine Digital. I love the background, looks like fabric! The kit is called Nymphaea. The wordart is by me.

Credits can be found here
That was FUN!! I never learned how to drive such a thing, a real citygirl I guess! I was a bit scared at first but very proud I drove it!

So how are you?? I am doing ok.... I have antibiotics and it makes me dizzy! So I just do very little, try to organize ACDsee (but it shuts down all the time when I try to move stuff), yesterday I did some scrapping and now it's time for some blogging!
Oh and I did some shopping on the internet.... My boys both have crocs and they don't want anything else on their feet so I thought I'd better have them too! And because we're going to Greece in 2 weeks I ordered them online. I couldn't make a choice between flip flops or sandals so I got them both (Petra, don't be jealous.... I have the url for you, lol!).

I also did some layouts yesterday.... here they are:

Now of to my Parisian scraps!

Credits can be found here
I wanted to tell for a long time that I am on the CT of Royanna Fritschmann, I was really excited when I heard the news but thought she was going to announce it. I think she has to many other things on her mind right now, or perhaps she has announced but I missed it! Of course she's at Divine Digital, but you already knew that, didn't you :) !!
Another long weekend coming up...Whitsunday, we all have Monday off too.... Tuesday I have to work but then Wednesday and Thursday I have to be home because the builders will put an extension to our attic on those days. I will show you photos next week!
Friday we have the annual 'company day out'.... At the end of the schoolyear we 'co-workers' go out for a day and it's always a suprise what will happen on that day. I tried to tease Ines, one of my colleagues to let me in on her little secret because she KNOWS... I got nothing more out of her except that all activities will be outdoors and we will have a BBQ afterwards! Let me show you what I did last year:
Next time I will tell you about Greece.... we're heading there in two weeks and I just got the tickets today!! Woohoo!!!
Have a good day!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Hi all!!
So I am back in the digiworld and alive and kicking... ok, maybe not so alive.... My youngest is not feeling really well so he's not giving me the nights I should have :0)... Oh well, that's what a mom's life is all about, isn't it... never enough sleep to get through the day!
My other boy fell flat on the pavement today, I am sorry I didn't take any pictures to scrap but I was busy taking care of his sour knee (ouch mommy, also my lip and my left hand, and ohh my right hand too)... Life is hard when you're almost FIVE!
I did manage to get some scrapping done today, I made two layouts:

This last one is for Sara Amarie, I am on her Creative Team as a guest this month but most of this mont my computer was gone, so I wasn't able to do much for her. The kit I used for this one is Naturals Collection Kit: Pacific. I also used some of her Felty Flowers Tinies, all available at the Sweet Shoppe, her stuff is great so I would go and take a look... :)
I am trying to catch up on my CT duties now!
Well, all for now, I am going to get some sleep before someone wakes me up!

Monday, May 21, 2007
So I wanted to surprise you after my absence... I have been dying to show you a little mothersday movie.... My little boy learned a song for this occassion in school. His dad is singing along with him!
I also did my first LO on my 'new' computer.... wel it's not new, only the harddisk is, and I put another one in for backup (this girl is getting smarter :))

Credits can be found here
Unfortunately this long long weekend (because it was Ascension day last Thursday) has now come to an end. I have to work again tomorrow... I will try to get the day off on Friday again but I don't know if that will really happen... I want some time to organize my computer!
And I need FONTS... I lost them all! Please, if you have any good free fonts, point me in the right direction!!
So now it's time for the movie!
Have a great week!
So I wanted to surprise you after my absence... I have been dying to show you a little mothersday movie.... My little boy learned a song for this occassion in school. His dad is singing along with him!
I also did my first LO on my 'new' computer.... wel it's not new, only the harddisk is, and I put another one in for backup (this girl is getting smarter :))

Credits can be found here
Unfortunately this long long weekend (because it was Ascension day last Thursday) has now come to an end. I have to work again tomorrow... I will try to get the day off on Friday again but I don't know if that will really happen... I want some time to organize my computer!
And I need FONTS... I lost them all! Please, if you have any good free fonts, point me in the right direction!!
So now it's time for the movie!
Have a great week!

Sunday, May 20, 2007
My PC is back!

Just a short message to you all to let you know that my computer is back! I picked it up on Friday afternoon... still had to wait for it then because they had to put the backup back on... I lost all of my fonts (never thought of that)... and old e-mails and e-mail addresses... but well.... I will get them back!
I did a scrap last night but it disappeared somewhere in my computer... when I find it you will be the first to know!

Friday, May 11, 2007
Hi, Still no new scraps, still no desktop computer :(... I called the repairshop yesterday and they were still trying to retrieve my documents but didn't know if they were succeeding or not ... Well, I just have to be patient I guess. I really miss the scrapping! Luckily Petra has set up a new little blog community and has gotten me into Kaboodle so I have plenty to do online. And I just got tickets for Symphonica in Rosso at the presale! First I told dh that I didn't want to go. We have been there last year because Marco Borsato did SIR... this year he put it in the hands of Paul de Leeuw, another Dutch artist. Very good but totally different! Marco and I go way back... although he probably won't remember ;), he's now a national popstar!
In 1990 or 1991 when I worked for a Dutch Touroperator, we organized a reunion for the travelers. As they were only young people (teens, early twenties) the organization hired a singer that had just won one of those TV contests that are really popular now (Idols, but then the early nineties version by Henny Huisman, lol).... Anyway, because I had been a rep I also had to do a small performance (the group of reps) so I shared the dressing room with.... Marco Borsato. Can you believe he now sings with the Andrea Bocelli's of this world! Lol... been there, done that!
Anyway, to surprise my dh I did buy tickets this morning.... It's Nov. 3rd so still 6 months away... I have to run now, have a work appointment in Amsterdam! Hope to see you all again soon!
In 1990 or 1991 when I worked for a Dutch Touroperator, we organized a reunion for the travelers. As they were only young people (teens, early twenties) the organization hired a singer that had just won one of those TV contests that are really popular now (Idols, but then the early nineties version by Henny Huisman, lol).... Anyway, because I had been a rep I also had to do a small performance (the group of reps) so I shared the dressing room with.... Marco Borsato. Can you believe he now sings with the Andrea Bocelli's of this world! Lol... been there, done that!
Anyway, to surprise my dh I did buy tickets this morning.... It's Nov. 3rd so still 6 months away... I have to run now, have a work appointment in Amsterdam! Hope to see you all again soon!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
I Kaboodle too!
Have you all read Petra's blog... she's kaboodling! And now I am too, look here at my wishlist:
I also made a list of purchased items, I have not put everything in that I got at NSD weekend but I am getting there!
Still no desktop back yet.... I am going to call the computerdoctor tomorrow because I am a bit worried that they haven't given ME a call yet, I really would like to know how my dear PC is doing! Has it really lost all it's data or not?? It's giving me nightmares... but I am soooo happy and relieved that my scrapping stuff and photos are still here!!
Check out Petra's blog, don't forget, she also started a blog circle, she's full of great ideas!!
I also made a list of purchased items, I have not put everything in that I got at NSD weekend but I am getting there!
Still no desktop back yet.... I am going to call the computerdoctor tomorrow because I am a bit worried that they haven't given ME a call yet, I really would like to know how my dear PC is doing! Has it really lost all it's data or not?? It's giving me nightmares... but I am soooo happy and relieved that my scrapping stuff and photos are still here!!
Check out Petra's blog, don't forget, she also started a blog circle, she's full of great ideas!!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
My computer died... and please vote!
My computer died... or probably my harddisk... On the night before national scrapbookday... when I was looking through all the sales whilst chatting with Petra... it suddenly gave up. I took it to the computer doctor yesterday so hopefully I will have it back somewhere at the end of this week. Until then I can do the shopping but not the scrapbooking. Oh well... I survived NSD, did you?
I entered a totally different contest with digiscrap stuff! Remember I am buzzing Redband Truly, the candies? I scrapped one LO with it and entered it for a creative contest. Can you please vote for me on the Redband Truly Website??
I need a lot of 10s of course :).
Well it's just a short message, I am not as comfortable on the laptop as on my own comfy pc... Hope you're having a great weekend!
I entered a totally different contest with digiscrap stuff! Remember I am buzzing Redband Truly, the candies? I scrapped one LO with it and entered it for a creative contest. Can you please vote for me on the Redband Truly Website??
I need a lot of 10s of course :).
Well it's just a short message, I am not as comfortable on the laptop as on my own comfy pc... Hope you're having a great weekend!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Do you love the Hodge Podge challenge?
Still no paperscrapping here, I just cannot find the time to sit and scrap at the table.... Probably this vacation I will not find time either because tomorrow is already Friday.... OMG... when I type this I cannot believe I have been off work all week, I feel like I haven't done anything... perhaps I should make a list of things I have done so I will feel better. Ok... made the list, you can find it at the bottom of this blogpost.... I forgot to put in the layouts but here they go. I did a couple but this is the one I like most, for the hodge podge challenge. It's no. 4 already, but only the 2nd I have entered a layout for. I had to redo one of my layouts so here it is:

Credits can be found here
This was the old layout:

Credits can be found here
It is really amazing to discover (and weird to) that I have developed sort of favorite style. Especially because I was looking up the date of the old layout and discovered I had made it exactly one year earlier (May 2nd, 2006)...
More Scrapnews, I stayed online quite late last night and then I received an e-mail from Nightwolf Designs. I had entered in a name-this-kit competition and there were going to be 5 random winners... and I WON! I downloaded this HUGE kit (over 300 mb) which will be available later this week.... Thank you so much!
Now on to my list!

Still no paperscrapping here, I just cannot find the time to sit and scrap at the table.... Probably this vacation I will not find time either because tomorrow is already Friday.... OMG... when I type this I cannot believe I have been off work all week, I feel like I haven't done anything... perhaps I should make a list of things I have done so I will feel better. Ok... made the list, you can find it at the bottom of this blogpost.... I forgot to put in the layouts but here they go. I did a couple but this is the one I like most, for the hodge podge challenge. It's no. 4 already, but only the 2nd I have entered a layout for. I had to redo one of my layouts so here it is:

Credits can be found here
This was the old layout:

Credits can be found here
It is really amazing to discover (and weird to) that I have developed sort of favorite style. Especially because I was looking up the date of the old layout and discovered I had made it exactly one year earlier (May 2nd, 2006)...
More Scrapnews, I stayed online quite late last night and then I received an e-mail from Nightwolf Designs. I had entered in a name-this-kit competition and there were going to be 5 random winners... and I WON! I downloaded this HUGE kit (over 300 mb) which will be available later this week.... Thank you so much!
Now on to my list!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I have the week off and today both kids are in daycare... I have time to clear out the attic (a MUST) and do my blog and scrap things ... still there are NOT enough hours in the day so let's start!
Thought I'd share two of my birthday pics with you.... one is of my youngest and his little friend Sam who are hungry for fries, lol! On the other picture where we are eating cake (not I am not on the pic, I was behind the camera) you can see... Petra! It was sweet of her to visit me on my birthday so I thought she deserved the picture. Can you figure out which one is her? Be sure to visit her blog too!!

Frames are from Melissa Bennetts new kit Snips n Snails available at Elemental Scraps and Plain Digital Wrapper.
Here's another movie of one of the toys my boys got on Queensday... you see how they keep their dad busy, lol!
My boy also got this Jake-suit (from the Tweenies)...

And then finally on to two of my layouts, I finished these today, also with Melissa Bennett's new kit Snips and Snails. Can you tell I really really like this kit??

The curled corners are by Karah Fredricks.

Off to some more sorting... I have sooo many babyclothes here, I could fill a store. I am sorting out what to give to friends or throw away... We are getting an extension to the attic at the end of this month so it all has to be empty here.... is it ever going to be ready??
I have the week off and today both kids are in daycare... I have time to clear out the attic (a MUST) and do my blog and scrap things ... still there are NOT enough hours in the day so let's start!
Thought I'd share two of my birthday pics with you.... one is of my youngest and his little friend Sam who are hungry for fries, lol! On the other picture where we are eating cake (not I am not on the pic, I was behind the camera) you can see... Petra! It was sweet of her to visit me on my birthday so I thought she deserved the picture. Can you figure out which one is her? Be sure to visit her blog too!!

Here's another movie of one of the toys my boys got on Queensday... you see how they keep their dad busy, lol!
My boy also got this Jake-suit (from the Tweenies)...

And then finally on to two of my layouts, I finished these today, also with Melissa Bennett's new kit Snips and Snails. Can you tell I really really like this kit??

The curled corners are by Karah Fredricks.

Off to some more sorting... I have sooo many babyclothes here, I could fill a store. I am sorting out what to give to friends or throw away... We are getting an extension to the attic at the end of this month so it all has to be empty here.... is it ever going to be ready??

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