Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to catch up with one of my old friends Anco .
If everything went well for him he arrived on the island tonight. Tomorrow I have to pack, return the car, have to work a little bit more, check in my luggage at the airport, meet my friends Petrina and Eric again , have a last meal (probably at the Dutch Pancakehouse) and then off to the airport again
to catch the plane back to Amsterdam to see all the (3) men in my life again :).
I think I can see the week was very useful but I also enjoyed every minute, have had enough light therapy for at least a month (and hopefully to get me through the rest of the winter), lol....
Have a great evening!

Wow! I could ONLY Imagine in a true fantasy of a world in Aruba....beautiful white sands to massage my toes and southernly tradewinds to sweep through my hair.....ahhhhhh...sigh! what a beautiful Life you have thank you for sharing. :)
Thanks for sharing! love your header it's cute!
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