Only 1 more night on the count down calendar! I can't believe it has been 5 years since I gave birth to my youngest... It was quite a story and I often tell people around this time of year that he was born 1 hour later than he was supposed to be born! On Feb 3rd I heard that Milan would be born by a scheduled c-section on Thursday (Feb 5th). It feels a bit weird to know that your baby will be in your arms the day after tomorrow but well... it was how I wanted it (for good reasons).
Anyway we had to get to the hospital really early in the morning and I would be the first in to deliver the baby. So I was all ready for it (and far more nervous than I was for the (emergency) c-section I had 19 months earlier)! But there was no doctor to do the surgery! Turned out they had forgotten to give her the planning for that day and she was still at home and in bed!
Luckily the doctor on ward had time to deliver our baby but by that time it was an hour later than planned!

And can you believe this is my almost 5 year old now??

1 comment:
Jaaaaaaaaa, ik begrijp je gevoelens. Mijn mannetje is in December 5 geworden. Gaat echt veeeeeeeeeeeels te snel. Kijk nog vaak naar zijn baby fotos en vraag me dan echt af waar de tijd gebleven is :(
Nog 1've been tagged :)
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