Today was a day that was feared for by our little boy, he had to swim for his first swimming 'diploma' or certificate. He started over a year ago with swimming lessons and today was the 'exam'. Since a lot of children get nervous on such a day, it is not the real exam, they prove that they can swim during the lessons they take and two weeks ago they already 'passed' this exam. Which was a good thing because he didn't go to his last lesson on Wednesday because he had been sick.
We invited his grandparents over and it was very crowded on the 'tribune' of the pool because 45 children were doing this test today (and 200 over this one weekend, in this pool only!!).
In the end he was one happy boy! He didn't seem to have difficulties at all with all the different exercises and it was over before he knew it. He got flowers from his little brother, a basketball ring from his grandparents and tickets to the Efteling (a well known themepark here) from us. We got Chinese food later on and the grandparents stayed for dinner... I think our little boy is happy with his 'diploma A'! Now from Wednesday he's taking the next class, for the 'diploma B'!!
Jump in the water (wearing clothes) like a pencil"
"1 lap with clothes on"
"Floating like a starfish"
Waiting for the results
"Yes!!! Passed the tests!" "Flowers"

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