St. Nicholas gave us vouchers for a hotel last December and grandma would babysit the kids that weekend so last weekend we finally went to the hotel! It was about an hour south of where we live and we were happy to finally spend some time together again and not to worry about the kids. Friday we went shopping in Eindhoven and had dinner at the casino, Saturday we went to Antwerp, Belgium and in the evening we had a surprise dinner at a very good restaurant De Helvoirtse Hoeve (offer from Restaurantweek).

Sunday morning I called my mom and she told me she picked up the oldest from school sick, high fever and headache... our youngest wasn't fit either but no fever (yet). We decided to pick them up a little earlier than planned.
Our poor boys' fever was really high (39.7 C) but when I wanted to get him ready to go home he didn't respond to me anymore! So we called the emergency post, they asked us some questions and within 5 mins there was an ambulance in front of mom's house! In the five minutes that it took to get there he got really angry because we wanted to give him paracetamol but at least we got a reaction from him. We talked with the ambulance ladies for a while but they saw no need to take him to the hospital so they left again and we went home.
The next morning our 6 year old woke up and asked if he could go to school! No way! Since it was only 2 days of school for him this week - Monday and Tuesday - he didn't go all week. On Wednesday we had to go to the hospital for something else, Thursday and Friday the school was closed. Today is Friday and the youngest is recovering now... also had high fever, stomach ache and for now his mouth aches most so he can't eat much... I decided to stay home with them today - so they don't have to go to daycare - Later this afternoon we will take a short trip to the library and run some errands, the weather looks really nice so it will be good to get a bit of fresh air!
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:
I can't believe all the cold and flu and stomach ickies that are going around everywhere.
I hope everyone feels better soon!
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