Only two weeks to go and 2008 comes to an end... it was a good year for me (and for the family). We had the opportunity to travel a lot. After our trip to Cochem in december 2007, we spent a weekend in Weerterbergen, another weekend in the Ardennes in Belgium in June and for summerbreak we spend 12 days on Crete, Greece. In October it was time for our trip to Disneyland Paris
And then... I had to travel for work... so at the end of October/beginning of November I travelled to Aruba and Curacao! That was so much fun, especially because I was able to visit my friend Petrina. In November I returned from this trip and the December celebrations started to take off! And now? Now it's just 10 days away from our ski holiday in Fusch, Austria!! And this was only 2008!! I will be back to Aruba in January, we have planned our trip to Florida with the family and we have also set a fall break trip to Belgium in October (because my mom turns 65 and we have to celebrate such things in life, right?)
We have all been in good health (except for the strained muscle that Andy got from tabletennis in Crete) and I hope we will continue like this in 2009!
Have a great last 2 weeks... enjoy Christmas and have a fantastic 2009!

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