Hi all!
White Easter.
Sorry, it has been a while... no excuse really! I have been on a 2-day training (Practical Coaching) and work has been busy since Easter! But today my oldest boy is on the couch with fever and I think he's taking a little nap right now...so I have time to update my blog. In an hour I have to pick up the youngest from school too. Meanwhile I will try to get you updated about the past weeks... So there was this Easter that people were joking about...people wished eachother Merry Christmas because the weather forecast said it would be a White Easter! Well here's proof of what happened:

The snow didn't last long that day so we got up and were playing in the snow by 8.30 am. Later that morning we drove to Hapri (short for Half Price), it's a fahion outlet store where I love to go a couple of times a year. They had marked down all the children's items to 5 euro a piece. I bought some things for the boys and 2 items for myself. On the way back didn't take the highway but the smaller roads and the ferry across the river Rhine. Especially the boys love these routes! Near Veenendaal we stopped for lunch at McDonalds.

This looks great huh? My oldest boy (who is now on the couch with fever) loves music and last year he took some general music classes. He thought (even though he was only 4!) they were boring because he didn't get to play a lot of the instruments. He had this toy drumset but it broke quite fast and now we got him a new set! I bought it on Marktplaats and he is sooo over the moon with this (and it wasn't even his birthday!).
Just after Easter our friend Debby gave birth to her new babyboy Max! We visited him when he was 3 days old but unfortunately I had brought a camera without a memory card! Stupid me! I can tell you it's a really sweet boy! My co-worker had delivered the week before and she has a baby girl named Sophie. I hope to see them soon!
And then there was last weekend... they boys stayed at their grandparents in Cothen. It was sort of last minute decision to let they stay over... we thought of taking them there in the morning so grandma could babysit them. But an extra night off is very welcome and they love to stay over at gran's so we were all happy! We took them there and when we left we drove to Zeist to see a new movie called 'Zomerhitte'. This movie is directed by Monique van de Ven. She's also a famous actress in our country. Anyway, I already loved the themesong of this movie:
When summer ends by VanVelzen:
On Sunday we went to the Sample Sale at the Amsterdam Fashion Square and I did some great shopping there... bought 3 skirts, a blouse and 2 shirts and a knitted sweater! All items were 10-20 euro a piece so I thought I had a good deal!
Today is Monday and I have taken the day off because of the sick little boy... tomorrow I have to work and my mom will probably look after him... I don't see him going to school tomorrow after such a fever!
Well have a good day you all...next time I will show you some more digistuff... I hardly scrapped the past weeks!
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