Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pssst... my blog rocks!

Pssst, are you there? I am at the office but just had to share this rockin' news with you! Petra has something on her blog. She's passing on this to me:

Can you believe this? Me, the rocking blog award?
I just warned myself that I have been neglecting you all lately, that I have been neglecting sharing my stories and layouts... I promise to do better in the near future, just this week I have such a busy schedule... tonight going out for dinner with a friend, Wednesday to the hospital with our oldest son and at night we have a friend over for dinner. Thursday I reserved for the Stand up and Scrap Contest! Friday is just another working day and Saturday my youngest has a party of his little friend Christian. Sunday we'll go to our friend's house (yet another one) and visit the Haar Castle and have dinner at their place... hmmm... I hope my blog fits in!

Have a nice week!

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