Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Not a lot of news...

Hi... sorry I have been so lazy to post on my blog lately... I have done some layouts... I have been working... I have been busy with my family and all that but there's no excuse, I hope to get more time as nights get longer!

After some breaks I am back to work, the summer is finally over and one of the boys is back in school (daycare never stops for the other one, lol). My youngest does not like daycare at the moment. At the age of 2 he had his own group of little friends, 2 boys and 2 girls and he was the youngest. The two girls had turned 4 before the summer but one was staying in daycare until school started again, that was last week. The other boy will turn 4 at the end of the year but next month his parents are taking him on a long trip to Australia! So no more friends and every morning when he wakes up - even still in his bed - he asks me if he has to go to 'school'. 3 days a week the answer is YES, just because I have to work, pay the bills and he did like being on a trip? Those things have to be worked for you know? He cries... But the silly thing is that I get ALL stressed out and when he's at daycare he totally forgets about everything he cried for in the morning and starts playing with other kids... Leaving me alone with my guilt and mixed feelings.... Oh well... just 5 more months and he'll be in the 'real' school too!

Oh and yesterday I had a super night... we went to a restaurant called TOF in Gouda and we had a great meal. It was sort of farewell dinner (just the 2 of us) because my friend Petrina is moving to Aruba... finally!


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