I don't like January after the first week... The first week makes me happy, it gives me sort of 'clean' feeling, like there's an empty page in front of me and I get to write on it... Usually I have the first week of the year off so that makes me feel even happier... and then real life starts again... Short days when you take the kids to school in the dark, drive to the office in the dark and only see daylight if (if!) I get the chance to peep out of the office for lunch... I finished work at 5.30 pm tonight, got home at 6..... DARK! Oooh I know I must be glad I don't live in the Scandinavian region but I want DAYLIGHT!
Ok so I better think of other things... I start looking for holiday destinations...when and where can we go this summer... I have worked at a travel agency for a while and I was a rep in Switzerland and Spain so I know where to find it and I know at what price... NOT! I search the web from here to Tokyo and back (not that I want to go to Tokyo)... Everyone says NOW it's the time to go to the States and hey, I have a long long GAP (and other stores) shopping list here so why not? Gladly I can give my shopping list to Petra because when I see high season ticket prices... it's NOT so funny anymore and we may have a strong Euro compared to $$$ but double the fares because the children have summer break? I vote for a president who makes fares lower when children have time to travel!! Hillary change your plans! Still don't know where we will be heading but well... at least I have spent hours in front of pictures of tropical beaches, hey!
A few layouts??

All credits can be found here
Ok I am off to get some WEEKEND... a little daylight perhaps on Saturday and Sunday...lol... ow and some groceries...vitamins...feel like I have a cold and earinfection but I am not complaining...no work for 3 days!!
Have a great weekend!
I wish you a happy new year. hope you find a place you will travel too :) and everyday will it be little lighter, so soon is it light all day. :)
lovely layouts. love them.
have a great sunday
Ja Karen... donkere tijden hé meid. Bij akhn en mij ook. Maar weet je wat?? De dagen worden iedere dag weer een piepklein beetje langer!
Je layouts zijn weer fantastisch natuurlijk, precies zoals we van je gewend zijn!
Fijne week meis!
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