Last year we only had to de-ice our carscreens once or twice and look here today! We have a wonderful winterwonderland, it snowed a little last night... ok not much but Dutch kids are really happy with this!

The kids are now in school and kindergarten and I have been packing, we're leaving this afternoon for a weekend in Germany (Cochem) and I am looking forward to a small vacation together. We are all off school and work for 2 weeks for Christmas and New Year! But I needed a little time to share the winter scene with you....
I have done some layouts too and I have to tell you about some great new alpha's that Melissa Bennett created.... ok, let me share the alphas with you! This is "Little Light Alpha no. 5" (image is clickable)... and she has 4 others to check out too....!

Gotta run now, have a great weekend!
Hi Karen
Very nice winter scene I would love to have some snow for Christmas !
I've choose the name "Misty Night" for my new kit so you're the winnie of my name contest,I would like to know of you can send me your mail adress like that I'll be able to send you the link for download your gift.
Thank you
Sorry for my bad english
Hoi Karen,
je bent waarschijnlijk al weg maar ik wilde je even laten weten dat de Langbroekse/Cothense lucht me weer even goed gedaan heeft :) En ja, het was koud maar goed en wel weer thuis in Oslo lag de temperatuur ook op -16, brrrrr.....
Wilde je ook hele fijne kerstdagen en een fantastisch nieuwjaar toewensen. Lees je blog met plezier en ga daar ook zeer zeker het nieuwe jaar mee in.
Lieve groetjes,
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