I put my twitter updates on my blog… Not that I am an addictive Twitterer but I like the news on there every now and then and I wish more of my friends would be more active on Twitter. It would be fun to see what they are doing on an average day (is any day in life ‘average’?).
Anyway… I can’t believe we have been home for almost a month! Florida is still on my mind a lot and I can’t seem to shake off this Florida Virus. It doesn’t help me that I check the Florida-Forum on a very frequent (I would say daily but it is more than that) basis. I read the blogs of people who are there now (like Teleton, he’s a great writer, too bad for most of you it is in Dutch). I was VERY annoyed by the fact that his laptop was stolen (amongst other things) from the condo they were staying at in Florida. Things like this shouldn’t happen, especially NOT on a vacation. Anyway, I think you get the point, we want to go back next year (sooner, but that’s not in our cards)… and I am busy looking at villas and checking flights! Great thing is that the May break for the kids next year is longer so we will have more days, yeah!!
For now I just have to get back to the real life here, the bankholidays are now all over, Whitsunday was the last until Christmas! I have to focus on my oldest 7th birthday party (end of this month) and we got him this bike:

He knows he will get it (he’s really getting to small for it).
But you know what he would really like?? A chinese juggling plate!
Of course I will try to order it somewhere from the internet, these things are only a few bucks… Yesterday he practiced again at the local playground and he became pretty good at it…it’s so much fun to see him practice!
Then there is the kids party to be organized. My son wishes to go bowling so we will go to the bowling center with a couple of his friends. First we started with the tradition that he can pick as many friends as his new age is but I think it’s not going to work this time as our car isn’t big enough. Then today I heard we might have our new company car in time for the party! Our Nissan Qashqai+2 might be here at the end of this month! It’s a 7-seater!
Well this is all the news I have now… have a great day!